Thursday, May 12, 2011

Nataliedee Love

I love Nataliedee and this is why....
Some things just speak for themselves :)

I own a t-shirt with the image above.
It is true. A hat for a tat!!!

Keeping this blog short and simple but hope it brought a smile to your beautiful faces!
I love you all!


Psalm 139:13-14

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Baby Bundle

So as of lately I haven't been working on anything too complicated. I got a couple orders in around the same time and decided to go with the least complicated and most time sensitive project which would be for an anxiously anticipated baby. :) So I knitted up this sweet little bunny and a matching roll brim hat. I love making sets like this. (please excuse the picture. It was taken with my phone. The green is more of a limey green.)

I never thought that I would be very big on knitted toys because if its for a baby... more than likely it will go in their mouth. But my good friend Charlotte made one for my daughter, Saiya and it has turned out to be the best toy for her and her favorite! She made the bunny using a pattern from the book "Vintage Knits for Modern Babies" and of course I had to have it! lol

I have made 3 of them and left the face and tail off a couple of them because I think they look just as cute without and not to mention... if it is going in their mouth and they are starting to cut teeth... I would hate for something to come loose and end up in their mouth. I'm certain though that I will be making plenty more and will be doing some fun add ons to them to girly them up or give them a boyish touch. :)

In case you were wondering and haven't seen these pictures already... these two pictures were taken of my daughter by my sister, Carrie. She is an incredible photographer and has such a talent! These pictures capture much of what I love which is my fair skinned, chunk of a precious baby girl, knitted goodies made by a much loved GodMomma Charlotte, and all captured by an incredible woman that I have always admired and looked up to. How did I ever become so blessed? :)

If you are interested in purchasing a custom made bunny/hat set please contact me at . Or if you have something in mind... let me know and I can figure something out for you!

I hope that you all are having a great day and that you are feeling as blessed as I am right now.

Love you all!


Psalm 139:13-14