Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Merry Germy Knitty Season

The last few days have been quiet around here.  Plenty of naps, hot drinks, Advil, and finally... Antibiotics have been passed between my daughter and I because of strep.
My view has been mostly from the couch which isn't ideal but it seems being sick is the only time I actually relax and can justify watching episode after episode of Glee. :)

David has been so helpful and I am so thankful for that.  He has picked up on the house work when he comes home from working a full day, makes dinner, gets kids in jammies and teeth brushed, tucks them in and says prayers with them, and makes sure to set out all the things I'll need to help me feel better on the kitchen counter while he's at work.  What a huge blessing that has been.  It's amazing how big of a difference having a 2nd pair of hands makes.

Thankfully my son has been spared thus far and has managed to walk away with just a runny nose.  He has been such a sweet little thing.  He had all of these ideas last night of how he could help us feel better and hot chocolate was at the top of his list.  It was a delicious idea :)

Today is being spent playing catch up now that I no longer have body aches. (May squeeze in a snoozer too)  The only thing that makes it hard to do what I need to do is this stinkin' cold weather and wind.  It's hard to pull a sick kiddo out in this crap so I'll just be doing what I can from home for now.

I still have plenty of Christmas knitting to get done.  I've completed two projects and still have another 6 to make within the next two weeks.  Fingers crossed!

Would it be easier to purchase gifts? Yes. But for me I knit for those I love and there is just something so pleasing in gifting something that took time, thought, and effort.  You can gaurantee that I've spent hours planning what I'm going to make that person, searching for the perfect yarn, and then of course knitting it up stitch by stitch.  It's an act of love for me which is why I do it.  And every year I try to do something a little bit different but of course still yarn made :) Tis the season!

Tis the season for germs, cold weather, winter knitting, and love.  

Hope you all are warm and healthy.  



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