Thursday, January 9, 2014

Lie vs. Truth

There is a lie that I think many of us believe.
Whether we've been told it....
treated like it...
adopted it because of our own insecurities...
or all the above...
A lie that often times defined me in the sense that I've spent most of my life trying to prove the opposite...
That lie...
That I'm nothing special..
That I'm not worth loving...
That I'm not worth investing in...
If there is one common thing that all of us long for at some point in our life...
It would be ACCEPTANCE.
The truth is...
I'm not going to be accepted by everyone.

The truth is...
You won't either.
The truth is...
There is absolutely no way to please every single person in your life.
The truth is...
That's ok.

The truth is...
Just because someone doesn't value you, doesn't mean that you aren't worth valuing.
I needed to say this because I think deep down inside I needed to remind myself.

People won't always accept me.
People won't always value me.
And despite what I may choose to believe at times...
I have worth.

 I have a God that created me in his image.
I have a God that (despite my massive screw ups) loves me, wants me, and pursues a relationship with me on daily basis.
I have a God that wants nothing more than for me to care more about what he thinks about me, than what others might.

And God has a daughter (me) that is learning to do just that.

Today I let go of the lie...
The lie that I am not worth it...
because I have a God that tells me that I AM and he accepts me and loves me with open arms.

And that's the truth.

I pray that today you choose to believe the truth over the lie.


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