Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A calling to help and knit mustache sweaters

There is a lot in my life that I can honestly say that I feel compassionate about.  For as long as I can remember I have always found myself wanting to fix the hurting world, save the whales, save the dolphins (See "The Cove" if you haven't.  Its on Netflix) and befriend the outcasts.  There is just something within the very depth of my core that has cried out even before Jesus became my moral compass and encourager.  I often times look at places, peoples, and things and ask myself "how can I help this situation?".  Often times I can't and I am on the sidelines cheering on those who can!  I am infact only one person that wishes I had the capability of doing the work of an army.  I lack the education.  I lack the funds.  I lack the TIME.  and it saddens me to know that when I walk into an old folks home to visit a loved one that I am incapable of visiting with every person there that is capable and holding the hands of those who aren't. That has been my most recent experience where I just felt like there was such a need that I am incapable of filling because of all those other needs I'm trying to fill. But when I saw this video I felt an urge to do something and knew that I could step up and get this done.

This video was a facebook annoyance.  You know those youtube videos that EVERYONE on your friends list has pretty much watched (or at least heard of) and shares it encouraging you to watch and repost.  Well this was that.  I thought I would rebel and go against the grain and constantly scrolled past it.  For a couple of days at least... until my brother posted it.  I thought "well if Rob finds it important to watch then I guess I can take 30 mins and watch it too". I watched it.  It spoke to me.  I reposted it.  Not just once BUT TWICE!  Three times if you can't this post.   I encourage you to watch it if you haven't already.   You can find it at the bottom of this post. :) 

I have ordered a kit and will be one of thousands of people to make Joseph Kony famous so that he may be recognized and brought to justice in the year 2012 for the hell on earth he has created for the kids and the families in Uganda.  I don't know if my work will make a difference but I can at least say that I did something in attempt to better the quality of living for those who live in fear of this man every. single. day.

As for my knitting.... I did finish that sweet mustache sweater for miss Saiya Papaya!  I learned a few new things with this project which seriously makes me happy because I am working to expand my knowledge (and memory retention of learned things).  I learned how to do Intarsia colorworking and the Magic Loop method.   For you non-knitters, I am sure it is nothing exciting for you.   Thought I'd post the picture that I took with my wonderful camera phone. (I don't know what I'd do without my camera phone. seriously)
    It did turn out a little big for her to wear right now.  I really love the length of it but the neck just seems to be a little too stretchy.  If I were to make it again I would have done the shoulder and neck shaping sooner and decreased more stitches around the colar so it fit better.  The ribbing around the neck is cute but way to stretchy.  I'm hoping it will be perfect in a few months.  For now it is sweetly hanging above her changing table so I can admire it multiple times a day while I change her dirty diapers. 

I realized the other day that I have had this blog up and running for a year now and was thinking that it is time to do something special.  Keep your eyes pealed for a special posting within the next couple of weeks.  I am hoping sooner than later. 

I currently don't have any personal knitting projects going right now.  I have been mainly knitting for Bread & Butter and am hoping to get something in soon.  I still keep thinking about that Newport Beach Sweater that I posted a few blog postings back and I really need to get a start on that.  With the rate I am going these days with my personal knitting, I may have it by the beginning of fall if I start it now! 

Off I go.  I hope you all are doing well and appreciate you taking the time to read.  Don't forget about the video below! 

Love you ALL!


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