Saturday, October 12, 2013

I Call It Home

My home has been super cozy these days.
Maybe someday I will do a virtual tour.
It isn't anything super special and it's a rental so we are limited in what we can do but for a 3 bedroom, basement apartment, I finally feel like it's a place I can enjoy.
We moved into it just shy of 4 years ago.
At the time our son was 2 and just 2 months after moving in we found out that we were expecting another little baby.
This home has many memories.
Countless naps in cozy beds.
Bringing home our daughter.
Pictures of Brodey posing in his new school clothes and backpack before he heads off to his first day of school.
Family Dance Parties
Countless birthday celebrations.
Dinner with friends.
Coffee with family.
Knit nights.
It's a home.
It's our home.
and our home needed change.

I've taken some time to do small home improvements by knitting a few small flag buntings, creating yarn flowers, stringing tassels, and painting old furniture. 
Unfortunately I don't have all of my pictures uploaded of all the things that I have made but I thought I could at least share with you what I do have right now. 

 I'm not a big fan of painting but I decided that this microwave cart needed a splash of teal.
It also needed to be microwaveless and be used for something else.
So I slapped 3 coats of paint on it, waited for what felt like forever for it to dry, and put all of my tasty coffees, teas, and cocoas on it and in it.
I also have my planner on it where I don't just write my appointments but all of the family's.
Though not pictured, there are now curtains on the windows above it.

I've been pretty big on flag buntings lately.
These are the two I have hanging in my kitchen.
I also have one hanging between my living room and dining room, bedroom, and office area.
It might be bunting overkill but I'm okay with that.
I plan on making more. HA!
Walls have been painted in my home with the help of my hubby,
Furniture has been moved from one room to another and have been re purposed.
Quilts have been thrifted and put on our bed.
Handmade accents hung and placed for personalization.
Pictures have been moved to compliment each room.
A 2nd hand café table was purchased to make our kitchen more of a gathering place.
Curtains have been hung for warmth.
Organization has come into play.... kind of.... here and there...
Toys are now in their rightful spot which would be the kids' bedrooms and not a corner in my living room.
My office area is now a functional place for me to do my work.
And I can honestly say that there is not a room here that I don't enjoy being in.
It just feels good
I love it.

It may not be a big home, new home, or a perfect home,
It's my home and I am so thankful to have it and embrace it because it is a blessing.
I'm just thankful to have one.
A warm one.
A cozy one.
And one to continue to build memories in,

I know that I have not been blogging much and I've come to be okay with that.
It's just where I'm at in life.
My life is busy and at times messy.
It may keep me from writing but you can guarantee that I'll return.
It's just a matter of when.
I hope to get better at keeping up though.

One thing that has been keeping me busy is my CNA course.
I'm so excited to share with you about it and where I envision me going with it but I'll save that for another post.

Time to bed down and enjoy some "Bones".

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