I worked and worked on it and when I wasn't working on it... I was thinking about working on it. It seriously was such a fun knit and I'm anxious to make another.
I had it off the needles just a few days after starting it.
I hand washed and laid it out over the weekend.
And finally was able to attach the button Monday morning.
Here is the finished project!
Seems that it may be a smidge big on her but I'm not for sure because I refuse to put it on her seeming as how it is a birthday present and I don't want her to see it.
But while her sweater was drying and untouchable I decided to do something extra special for her that I know the little girl in us would appreciate.
I went to a few stores and found my way on over to target which honestly didn't have a very big stuffed animal selection.
I thought that I wouldn't find what I was looking for there until I saw the cutest little bear randomly placed on a random end cap. It was perfect!
So I bought it :)
I took it home :)
I knitted it a sweater to match Saiya's!
Though she will only be turning 1, I know that someday she will grow to appreciate the things her Momma did.
Special and just for her. :)
Now, Brodey.
We went to WalMart over the weekend with one mission in mind.
Not just any kind of yarn.
"Wiggles Yarn"
Brodey loves this Australian singing and dancing group called "The Wiggles".
Most moms have heard of them and most moms try to avoid them but I was not so lucky to dodge the power of their wiggly moves.
There's four men and all wear different colors.
Greg (in more recent things it's Sam now)- yellow
Murray- Red
Anthony- Blue
Jeff- Purple
Well my mom and I thought that it would be a good idea to make him something yellow because that is the color of his favorite Wiggle, which makes it his favorite color.
In fact he loves the yellow Wiggle so much that I hear every day about how when he grows up he is going to be a Yellow Wiggle. And with his personality and musical talents... that is a strong possibility. lol
This idea snowballed into buying all 4 colors of yarn to make him a hat and mittens with all 4 colors.
To me that means that I make the knitted items and incorporate all 4 colors in 1 hat and one pair of mittens.
To him that means I knit him 4 hats and 4 pairs of mittens using separate colors to complete a set of each color.
Momma is not doing that because by then end of it I may not be able to wiggle my wrists into knitting any longer.
It should be fun though! When I start and finish the set I will be sure to post it when its done.
Until then... I will hear about it non-stop from him.
He sure does love the Wiggles and I sure do love him!
Well off I go to prep an order.
I hope that you all are doing well!
Love you ALL!