Saturday, September 10, 2011

Highlights of the Week

I'm pretty sure that I am done knitting for Saiya's birthday.
A week from tomorrow my little girl will turn 1 year old and I've been working hard to knit her all that I had planned.
One thing that I ended up knitting her was not in my original game plan but I figured I needed to do this before she gets too old for them.

They are pretty big so she will have some growing room and I am planning on taking puffy paint to the bottom of them so she has some traction for walking.
They were super quick to knit up and are actually done on straight needles!
You knit them flat and then seam them on the bottom and up the back.
Pretty cool how that worked out.
The pattern is called "Cabled Booties" from the book "Vintage Knits for Modern Babies".

Brodey completed his first week of Pre-K!
I didn't get super emotional as I got him ready for his first day of school. lol
He on the other hand got very upset when he realized that he was going into the classroom and not the main play room.
His little fit landed him on the steps, outside for a little breather while he re-grouped.
Needless to say I think I did better than he did and when I left I worried more for the teacher than for him.
We made it through and every day got easier for us.
He loves going there and its fun to hear about all the the things that he is learning about.
He is always sure to correct me when I say "pre school". I just kind of chuckle cause he says "No, Mom. It's SCHOOL".
He corrects me EVERY TIME.
He really is growing up.

My job at KUYO radio has been pretty fun lately as they have been using me a lot to record a lot of their on-air ads!
To be honest it was kind of weird the first time I recorded because I feel like I'm talking to myself in a microphone but I think I'm finally getting the hang of it and the awkwardness of trying to convincingly read the script is start to disappear.

Our new dog?
Well he is doing well.
Our cats on the other hand...
Steve has been a mess and LaLa I think is doing better than her sister.
(Yes, Steve is a girl)
Guess I just don't know how to get Steve to come down to actually eat and what not.
Every time she is down Ruger goes after her and instead of standing up to him and taking her ground to show him who is boss... she runs away all hissy.
LaLa on the other hand has been quite brave and walks around as though nothing has changed with little confrontation between the two of them.
Praying that things will lighten up in that area with Steve though.

Guess I should get off my bum and clean up for the day!
Hope you all are having a good weekend so far!

Love you ALL!


1 comment:

  1. Puff paint on the bottom of booties? Brilliant!
